

The National Convention shall, after their initial convening, be scheduled to convene thereafter every seventh (7th) year in the month of AUGUST.


The Business of the National assembly, subject to the HANDBOOK, shall be:

.1 To reference, through its reference committee, all resolutions, recommendations, and implementing legislation from commissions and special committee reports and other documents to standing or special legislative committees of the convention, or to regional caucuses for consideration before being presented to the convention. The Reference Committee may submit legislation affecting only a specific regional chapter/regional chapters to the National Assembly delegates of said regional chapter(s) meeting in caucus for action.  Changes that affect the HANDBOOK must be acted upon by the entire National Convention of delegates.
.2  to elect by a two -thirds vote of its members present and voting, as many national council chiefs as it may deem necessary and in abidance with the guidelines of the HANDBOOK, who shall hold office until the final adjournmento f the next National Convention and until their successors are elected and qualified; provided that the first ballot shall be a "yes" or "no" ballot for the national superintendents then serving and any vacancies remaining after the first ballot shall be filled by ensuing ballots until the elections are completed.  In the event that somoe who is ineligible under this provision receives votes on the first ballot, that person's name shall be deleted from the elective ballot, and the report of the first balot shall include this statement:  "one or more names have been delted due to ineligibility for the office."

No person shall be considered eligible for election to the office of National Chief who is not a descendant by blood from at least one Cherokee person who is mentioned specifically in a historical document.  No person shall be elected to the office who is not of sufficient age to hold the office, as directed by the Constitution and HANDBOOK of the Constitutional Cherokee.  No person shall be elected to the office who is beyond the age of retirement as set forth in the Constitution and HANDBOOK of the Constitutional Cherokee or who would be within reach of that age in the interim between this Convention and the next convention.

No person shall be considered eligible for election to the office of National Chief who has ever held an office of leadership and has been disciplined while in that office or asked to resign from that office, at whatever level that office of leadership was held:  from the community level, to the Regional, to the National level.

.3  To elect to the office of emeritus honor, when deemed advisable, any National Chief, provided that the National Chief has of necessity left the office because of either becoming disabled or has reached retirement age and has also served as a National Chief for at least two terms, with a term defined as the length of time that is served from one National Convention to the next.  It is thereby understood that electio to emeritus relation is of life tenure.

.4 to place in the retired relation a national chief who has reached retirement age or who in the judgment of the National Convention, has become disqualified by physical disability or by age infirmity, or by any other disqualification that would prevent such a person from caring adequately for the work ot fhe National Chiefs office; and provided that said National Chief has served in the office of National Cheaf for a reasonable term of years.  The National Convention may grant retired relation when a National Superintendent who has served at least two terms requests it and after a favorable vote to do so even if they have not yet attained the age of retirement.

Should a National Chief who has served at least two full terms request retirement in the interim of National Conventions, the request may be grated by the National Council of Chiefs and Advisory Council in regular session upon recommendation of the National Council of Chiefs.

.5 to fix a suitable retirement pension for each retired National Chief.

.6 to elect a National counci as provided in the Constitution and HANDBOOK of the Constitutional Cherokee, to serve until the final adjournment of the next National Convention and until their successors are elected and qualified.

.7 to elect to the offices of the National Council, such persons as are necessary for the fulfillment of those tasks.

.8 to elect committees for the purpose of adminstration and to serve until their successors are elected and qualified in accoradance with the Constitution and HANDBOOK of the Constitutional Cherokee, and with a favorable ballot of the National Convention.

.9 to do anything else, in harmony with the Constitution and HANDBOOK of the Constitutional Cherokee, that wisdom may dictate for the general welfare of the Constitutional Cherokee and the culture of the descendants of the Cherokee people, subject to the Constitution and HANDBOOK of the Constitutional Cherokee.