

Bounds and NameThe National Assembly shall have oversight and authority over all Regional Conventions and Councils.
The bounds of the Region shall be such as declared by the community councils and approved by the National Assembly when its meets in session or by the Regional Convention involved with approval by the National Chiefs having jurisdiction over the Region.  The Region shall be named in accordance with their location as described in the HANDBOOK.

Here is that complete list of regions that may be organized and maintained:

Alabma = Tsa-s-ga-ya-yi (yellow jacket place) The northern portion of that state, including all lands also won in the ballgame.
Georgia = Da-lo-ne-ga-yi (gold place) The northern portion of that state.
Illinois = Ga-no-le-s-gi-yi (windy place)the southern portion of that state.
Indiana = Do-tsu-wa-yi (cardinal place) the southern portion of that state.
Kentucky = Sa-go-ni-ge Ka-ne-s-ga-yi (blue grass place)
North Carolina = U-ta-li-yi (mountain place) the entire state to the coastland, as was our original range.
Ohio = E-quo-ni-yi (river place) the southern portion of the state.
Virginia = Tsu-na-da-da-tlu-tu-gi-yi (sweetheart place)the southern portion of the state.
South Carolina = Ka-nv-si-ta-yi (dog wood place-- our range was everywhere a dogwod can grow) the northwest portion of the state.
Tennessee = Ta-na-si (meets back) the entire state.
Western =
The Western Chapter includes all areas outside of the Historic Homeland that are not mentioned in the list above, no matter whether they are geographically "west" of the homeland or not.

SEEN HERE:  http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/historical/cherokee_country_1900.jpg

The National Council and Assembly have the authority to declare exceptions to the Mooney map when it is contradicted by earlier historic accounts or recent archeological evidence that our boundaries extended farther than that map reveals.
Therefore, the National Assembly and council may define exceptions to that map and may declare them here in the HANDBOOK after following the procedure of the HANDBOOK for determining such boundaries.

NC:  earlier spanish accounts indicate our Cherokee people ranged all the way to the Carolina coast and it is well documented that our festivals of green corn and other festivals were celebrated there as well as the people observed a 7 clan system, so our range in NC goes to the coast line.
TN:  invasion and encroachment shrunk our lands but historic accounts indicate that our land extended all the way to the banks of the Mississippi river, so we declare the entire state of TN as being within our historic homeland.

ALTHOUGH a REGIONAL CHAPTER may NEVER restrict membership to a particular quantum, a local chapter that is based on descendants of a particular historic roll (such as old settlers or 1924 Baker) may restrict their membership to a blood quantum of 1/4 or more, as long as another ACTIVE and organized community chapter exists within that state that does NOT restrict their members to a particular quantum to which those who wish and qualify as descendants of at least one cherokee ancestor, may align themselves as members.

The Creation of New Regions:
Regions are to be organized as described in the HANDBOOK with the Constitutional Cherokee.  No additional Regions are to be activated in accord with the HANDBOOK, and no new regions other than those described by the HANDBOOK may be organized except those regions as described in the HANDBOOK that do not have an officially organized regional council; those may be organized in agreement with the HANDBOOK.
A Fully operational Regional Chapter may be declared when a sufficient number of fully organized local chapters, recognized Adawehi, and members exist to warrent such designation.  Leadership, infrastructure, budgetary responsibility and cultural integrity must be demonstrated.  A regional Chapter must be able to shoulder these duties and share the challenges of the organization within the guidelines of the HANDBOOK.
Quantifiable criteria include the existence of at least two (2) fully organized and operational Community Chapters, at least 2 adawehi, at least 2 firekeepers and their apprentices, at least 10 distinct households in each community chapter, and that the regional chapter must be 100% self supporting.


MEMBERSHIP  The Regional Chapter shall be composed of all assigned Adawehi, all members of community Chapter Councils, and all retired Adawehi, the Regional chapter Secretary, the Regional chapter Treasurere, chairpersons of standing Regional committees reporting to the Regional Convention, and others as provided for in the HANDBOOK of the Constitutional Cherokee.  Only those members who are members by blood of the Constitutional Cherokee may be full members and eligible to vote and hold office.
Community Chapters are entitled to representation in the Regional Convention in agreement with the guidelines as provided for in the HANDBOOK.
DEFINITION OF MEMBER BY BLOOD:  As found in the HANDBOOK, voting members must be able to demonstrate a direct blood descendancy from at least one historical cherokee person from any historical document. (SEE HANDBOOK Article 11 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION)


After the initial Regional Chapter Convention which is to be called for and arranged by at least 2(two) Community Chapter's located within that region, thereafter the Regional Chapter Convention will be held annually, at the time appointed by the National Chief having jurisdiction, and in the place designated by the preceeding regional chapter's convention, or arranged for by the Regional Chapter Chief.


The business of the regional chapter convention shall be

.1  To hear or receive repots of all recognized Adawehi and certified Adawehi serving as leaders in Community chapters, and to consider the character of all council leaders, chiefs, elders and adawehi in each local Community Chapter.  By vote of the regional convention the record of written reports of all leaders may be approved instead of oral reports. 
.2 to certify and to recognize after careful examination, all persons recommended as leaders in any capacity on the regional or community chapter level.
.3  to review the council members of the community chapters and to review decisions made by community chapters
.4  to elect to the position of recognized Adawehi all those who have met the requirements for that office.
.5  to recognize the orders of and credentials of persons coming from other regions into positions of leadership within the region.
.6  to receive by transfer from other regions, all those persons approved to transfer into the region
.7  to issue a transfer for all those leaders and members approved to transfer out of the region into another region
.8  to commision or register for a perioud of not more than one year, those pesrson deemed qualified to be regional teachers and cultureal leaders and only upon favorable recognition and recommendation of the Regional Committee that was assigned to review those persons.
.9  to elect by at least 2/3rds favorable vote, by ballot taken at the Regional Convention, a member by blood to the office of Regional Chief to server until 30 days following the final adjuournment of the 2nd regional convention following her election and until a successor is eelected or appointed and qualified.  The procedure for re election of a Regiona Chief shall be by a "yes" or "no" ballot vote taken at the Regional Convention.  No person shall be considered eligible to hold this office who has at any time been disciplined by a regional or National convention or council, or who does not live a lifestyle consistent with the HANDBOOK of the Constitutional Cherokee, or does not participate in cultural events specific to the historic traditions of the Southeastern Peoples, in particular, the historic celebrations of the Cherokee.
.10 After a Regional Chief of a Regional Chapter has served for at least two (2) convention years, the regional chapter may reelect said Chief for a period of four (4) years subject to the approval of the National Council of Chiefs and the National Chief in jurisdiction over the regional chapter.  The procedure for election to an extended term of office shall be by a 2/3rds favorable "yes" or "no" ballot taken at the Regional Convention.

.11 to elect by at least 2/3rds favorable vote , by ballot taken at the Regional Convention, a member by blood to the office of Regional Ambassador to server until 30 days following the final adjuournment of the next regional convention following her election and until a successor is eelected or appointed and qualified. . No person shall be considered eligible to hold this office who has not been recognized as an Adawehi, nor who has at any time been disciplined by a regional or National convention or council, or who does not live a lifestyle consistent with the HANDBOOK of the Constitutional Cherokee, or does not participate in cultural events specific to the historic traditions of the Southeastern Peoples, in particular, the historic celebrations of the Cherokee.

.12 In case the National Chief and the officers of the Regional Chapter namely the Regiona Chapter Council, shall be of the opinion that the services of the regiona chapter Chief or ambassador should not continue beyond the current year, the National Chief having jurisdiction and the regional chapter council officers may order the question submitted for a vote of the next regularly scheduled Regional Convention.   The questions shall be submitted for a vote in the following form:  "Shall the present Regional chapter {chief /Ambassador}>_________(named)< be continued in office beyond this Regional Convention?"
If the Regional Chapter's Convention by a 2/3rds vote by ballot at the convention, decides to continue the Regional Chapter Chief or ambassador in office, she shall continue to serve as though such vote had not been taken.

If, however, the regional convention fails to decide by such vote by ballot at the convention to continue the regional chief or regional ambassador in office, her term of office shall terminate within 30 days following the close of the regional convention, and a new ballot must be held immediately at the convention to select a new person to take the office vacated at the time the current leader ceases to hold the position.

.13 to elect a regional chapter secretary to serve for a period of one year until her successor is elected and qualified

.14 to elect by ballot up to 7 recognized Adawehi, and at least 1 woman from each of the 7 clans for no more than a combined total of 21 members, to serve for a term as an advisory council, not to exceed 3 years as determined by the regional chapter council and convention, and until their successors are elected and qualified.  Their duties are to advise the regional chapter on all matters as they deem appropriate, and to make recommendations in regard to persons to be nominated for offices in the Regional Chapters, and to serve as an appellate council for matters arising from the community chapters within the region.

.15 to elect an Adawehi credentialing council of at least 3 and not more than 7 recognized Adawehi for no more than a combined total of 21 members, who will meet, along with the Regional Chief and the Advisory council, to interview prospective Adawehi who wish to be recognized in accordance with the HANDBOOK.  These persons will, along with the Regional Advisory council mentioned above, serve as teh regional chapter Adawehi Studies oversight committee and provide training opportunities for all prospective Adawehi.

.16 to elect a regional chapter properties council that will be responsible for maintaining records of existing owned properties and shall make recommendations on the acquisition of additional property and facilities.

.17  to elect at its discretion persons who are to serve as cultural teachers within the region who shall seek to encourage and support each community chapter in the practice of the culture and the speaking of the language.

.18 to elect a regional chapter Finance committe of equal representation of regular members and of Adawehi to serve throughout the following year and through the regional convention until its final adjournment.  The regional chapter chif, and the district treasurer shall be members ex-officio, as will the National Chief having jurisdiction of the Regional Chapter.

.19  To maintain records of all members by blood and of all prospective members and their family trees.  This shall be done by discretion of the regional chapter either through the selection of a committee or through the hiring of a CAILS certified genealogist and his or her staff.  In either case, an annual report of the records and statistics shall be made to the Regional Chapter Convention, and all such records shall be available for scrutiny by any that the district shall deem appropriate.  In addition, any who can demonstrate a documented link to a by blood family lineage on file shall be permitted access to those records -but only those specific records- that will allow them to apply to be recognized as members by blood.  AT NO TIME shall anyone who is NOT enrolled by blood have access to the records UNLESS they are accompanied at ALL times by an enrolled member by blood and they must first have been recommended to do so by a member by blood and that recommendation and access must be approved by the appropriate committee or council within the regional chapter as so designated by the regional chapter policy and procedures that are within the constrictions also applied to them by the HANDBOOK.

.20 to create a procedure at the discretion of the Regional Convention and the Regional Council, to put in place sufficient safeguards as to maintain the private identities of living persons and to provide for the security of all family and membership records while at the same time affording access to those who could make use of the records in order to prove a connection by blood to a Cherokee Ancestor.

.21 to provide for an annual external audit by certified firms that are capable of doing so, of all records, buth financial records and membership records, in order to demonstrate the responsibility, accountability, and integrity of the regional chapter.

.22 to grant the recognition of a retired relationship to any leader to whom that relationship should apply

.23 to prsent to the National assembly, through the regional secretary, a full official journal for each of the preceeding interim sessions, bouond in permanent binding.

.24 to consdier and care for the entire work of the Constitutional Cherokee within the bounds of the Regional Chapter.

.25 to provide for a plan whereby all recognized Adawehi and other council leaders on the regional level shall be provided for monetarily so that they may be free to devote their time and energies to the tasks to which they are assigned, and to also provide a plan for their provision during their retirement years.

.26  to transact any other business pertaining to the work, not otherwise provided for, in harmony with the spirit, traditions, and order of the Constitutional Cherokee.

.27 the Regional Chapter is responsible to publish online or to print and distribute hard copies of the HANDBOOK to all of its members on an annual basis.  A nominal fee to cover the expense of this printing may be imposed, or the Regional Chapter may, at its own discretion and whenever funds are available, fully fund this distribution.  That being said, no regional chapter shall have the authority or right to alter or change the text of the HANDBOOK in any way, other than that of mere typographical/spelling corrections.


The Regional Chapter, may authorize, where civil law permits, for the Advisory Councils to incorporate.  After incorporation as provided in the HANDBOOK and as above, the Regional Advisory Council shall have on its own power, its own resolution, to purchaase, own, and maintain any property, real and personal, as may be necessary or convenient for the purpose of the corpoartion.

As far as possible, membership of regional chapter councils, committees or any other organized group shall be equal between Adawehi and regular members by blood unless specifically provided otherwise by the HANDBOOK.

When the presiding officers and or chief of a regional chapter or convention deems that it is impossible to continue with the business of the regional Convention or council and therefore adjourns the regional chapter convention or council, because of uncontrollable physcial disaaster or local disturbance, the national chief in jurisdiction in consultation with the National Council of Chiefs and the National Ambassador, shall appoint all officers for the regional Chapter to serve for a period not to exceed one year.


The records of the proceedings of the Regional Chapter's Annual convention shall be the record of the regular procedings of the Regional Convention.

.1  The records must be either written or typewritten manuscrpt, or printed, and must be substantially bound.
.2  the records shall be signed by the presiding officer and the regional chapters secretary
.3 separate items of business shall be placed in separate paragraphs.
.4 the records should be edited carefully with the view to its examination by the National Convention.
.5 the full official record for each of the 7 conventions in between the National Convention (held every 7th year) shall be compiled and bound in permanent binding, with at least one copy being prserved in the regional convention files and one copy in the National Assembly files.
.6  the records shall be arranged as far as possible according to the table of contents prepared by the National Secretary in consultation with the council of National Chiefs.  The said table of contents shall be furnished to the regional chapter secretary PRIOR to the convening of the regional convention.
.7 the record should contain not only the assignments and leaders names of each of the local chapters and of the regional chapter but also all regular and special engagements entered into by the Adawehi and by the members by blood who are engaged in any kind of activity within the regional chapter.


The term of office is to be as outlined in the HANDBOOK.  Those elected at a Regional convention shall begin their term of office 30 days after the adjournment of the regional convention and ending 30 days after the adjournment of any regional convention wherein they are no longer selected to be the Regional Chief. 

If for any cause a vacancy shall occur in the interim of sessions of the regional convention, the national council of chiefs, jointly and severally, may fill the vacancy uponconsultation with the national and regional advisory councils, and the Community Chiefs. 


.1  To assit in the organization, reorganizatioin, and in the supervision of community chapters throughout and within the bounds of her regional chapter, subject to the approval of the national chief having jurisdiction over the region.
.2 to visit the community chapters in her regional chapter at least once a year, insofar as it is possible, and as necessary to meet with the community councils to consult with reference to spiritual, financial, and administration matters, giving such helpful advice and assistance as the Regional Chief may deem proper.
.3  to schedule and conduct, with each community chapter council, the regular refuiew of the local chief and council according to the provisions of the HANDBOOK.
.4  to have special supervision of all the activities of the Consitutional Cherokee within the bounds of her regional chapter.
.5 to appoint someone to temporarily fill a vacancy, should one occur, int he office of the regional secretary, until such time as the regional council or the regional convention can convene for the selection of someone to fill the office.
.6  to nominate persons to the regional council someone to fill any vacancy should one occur in the office of the regional treasurere.
.7 to appoint a regional Adawehi director to promote and amplify the culture and language of the Cherokee people should a vacancy occur in the office of the regional Ambassador.
.8 to consult with the community council concerning the nomination of any council leader or chief and to approve or disapprove of such a nomination.
.9 to schedule a special review of any community chapter officer within 90 days of the request of a community chapter's council for such a review, on the continuation of that persons leadership and relationship to the council.
.10 to approve or disapprove the granting of any recognition of any level to any enrolled member by blood who applies to be part of the Adawehi certification and recognition process within the regional chapter.
.11 to approve or disapprove in wirting nominations by the community chiefs or community councils or by the regional committees for any person who is to be a paid member of any staff within the region.
.12  to execute and sign, along with the regional secretary and the chairperson of the properties committee, all legal documents of the region.
.13  to approve or disapprove, with the advice of the regional advisory council, in writing all requests by community chapters to operate any school or edcucational programs
.14 to nominate to the regional advisory council and to supervise any paid assistants or staff on the regional chapter payroll.
.15  to nominate to the regional advisory council and to supervise any unpaid volunteer assistants or staff on the regional chapter level.
.16 the regional chief may, with the approval of the regional advisory council, appoint the members of teh community council, if a community council has been organized for less than five years or has fewer than 56 voting members, or is receiving regular financial assistance from the regional chapter.
.17 to cause to be investigated any written accusations against a chief or council leader in her regional chapter, according to the procedures outlined in the HANDBOOK.
.18 to, when circumstances warrant and upon the advice of the regional chapter advisory council or the national council of chiefs, to appoint- with the consent of the local community council- a person of good standing to temporarily fill any vacancy in position or to fulfill the duties of that community chapter leader themselves until a suitable replacement may be found and declared qualified.
.19 the regional chief is authorized to perform for a local community chapter within the bounds of her regional chapter all the functions of a local community chief whn that community chapter finds itself without a chief or a person to fulfill those duties
.20  The regional chief may preside at the annual or special meetings of the community chparter or appoint a surrogate for such duty.
.21 if for any reason the national chief having jurisdiction fails to be present or to appoint a representative to be present in her stead at the regional convention, the regional chief shall call the regional convention to order and shall preside untill other provision may be made by the regional convention.
.22 the regional chief may fill vacancies in the various councils, boards, and committees unless otherwise provided for in the HANDBOOK.
.23  The regional chief may appoint all chairs and secretaries of the various regional councils, boards and committees where such are not provided for in the HANDBOOK or by convention action.
.24  The regional chief, in consultation with the regional advisory council, shall appoint a nominating committee to prepare nominations for the usual committees, councils, and offices in advance of the regional convention.
.25  The regional chief shall be ex-officio chair of all councils, advisory councils, boards, committees and offices of the region and of all community chapters.
.26  All official acts of the regional chief shall be subject to review and revision by the regional convention and subject to appeal.
.27  the regional chief shall always show due regard for the advice of the national Chief in jurisdicition and the National Advisory Council with regard to leadership arrangements and other matters relating to the office of the regional chief. 

The Regional Secretary, elected by the regional convention, shall server for one year and until her successor is elected and qualified.
.1  if the regional secretary shall cease to serve, for any cause in the interim of sessions of the regional convention, the regional chief shall appoint someone to suceed her.
.2 the regional secretary shall be a member ex-officio of the regional convention.
.1  to record correctly and preserve faithfully all minutes of the regional convention.
.2  to record correctly and preserve faithfuly all statistics of the regional chapter
.3 to forward all statistical charts to the national secretary to be audited before their publication in the offical record/journal.
.4 to be custodian of all documents of the regional convention and to turn such records over promptly to her successor.
.5 to cause to be bouond in permanent binding at the regional chapters expense for all regional files the full official record/ journal of each regional convention and the compilation of all conventions between the 7 years of the National Conventions.
.6  to forward sufficeient copies of the printed record of each regional convention to the national headquarters for distribution among the national officers and national boards of the Constitutional Cherokee.
.7 to present to the national convention, for the regional chapter, the full official record for the preceeding years, bound in permanent binding
.8 to do whatever else may pertain to her office during the year to the proper regional convention committees or standing boards.
.9 to refer all items of business coming to her during the year to the proper convention committee or councils or boards.
.10 the regional secretary may have as many assistants as the regional Convention shall see fit to elect to that position.

THE REGIONAL Treasurer, elected by the Regional Advisory Council, shall serve until the final adjournment of the next regional convention and until her successor is elected and qualified.
.1 if the regional treasurer shall cease to serve, for whatever cause, in the interim of sessions of the regional convention, the Regional advisory council shall elect her sucessor upon nomination by the regional chief.
.2 the regional treasurer shall be a member ex-officio of the regional convention.
.1 to receive all such moneys from her region as may be designated by the National Convention or by the regional convention, or by the regional advisory council, or as the needs of the Constitutional Cherokee may require, and disburse the same according to the direction and policies of the regional convention and/or the Regional Adisory council.
.2 to keep a correct record of all moneys received and disbursed and to render an annual report to the regionial assembly to which she shall be amenable.
.3 to present the record of all moneys received and disbursed to regional chief and regional council for the purpose of complying with an annual auditing of all regional accounts.
The regional chief shall serve as chairperson ex -officio of the council; however, upon her request, the council may elect an acting chair person to serve in such relationship until the close of the next regional convention.
The chairperson of the council shall attend all meetings of the council, unless providentially hindered, and shall oversee all the work of the council each year.  In case of the necessary absence of the chairperson, the scretary of the region shall fulfill the office pro tempore.
Members of the council shall be selected in accord with the HANDBOOK as outlined in it. 
Vacancies occuring in the council in the interim sessions of the regional conventions, may be filled by appointment by the regional chief.
The members of the council shall atend faithfully the meetings of the council and shall supervise the work of the council.
Before the close of the regional convention in which the council is elected, the regional chief or the regional secretary shall call a meeting of all the members of the council for organizaiation and assignment as directed by the regional chapter and by the HANDBOOK.
The duties of the regional advisory council shall be to promote the well being of the regional chapter and all its members
shall be to assist the regional chief in the ongoing business of the regional chapter
shall be to advise the regional chief in matters of concern to the region
shall be to oversee the activity of the regional chief.
The members of the council are to support the activities of the regional chief through (1) fraternal encouragement, counsel and guidance; (2) teaching, training and advising on cultural matters and conducting research into historical records in order to facilitate an accurate understanding of pre contact history; (3) administering or arranging for business to be conducted to allow the chief the time to properly fulfill her office.
The secretary shall, at the expense of the regional chapter, provide a suitable record book of the actions of the assembly and all their oversight activities, and shall be used according to instructions in the HANDBOOK of the REGIONAL COUNCIL that the regional chapter has approved and is kept on file with the regional chapter.
The Regional Council shall provide for the oversight of those studying and training to lead as future adawehi and they shall do so in accord with the HANDBOOK of the Constitutional Cherokee and with the Adawehi Handbook.

The Regional properties committee shall be composed of the regional chief and the representative from the regional advisory council, the regional secretary, regional treasurer and other members as designated in the HANDBOOK.  Members may be elected by the regional convention and shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified.  Instead of a separate committe, the Regional Advisory council may serve as the regional prpperties committee upon the favorable vote of the regional assembly.

To meet prior to the regional convention and to make recommendations to the regional convention concerning all budgets and allocations of budgets to the community chapters.
To do whatever else the regional convention may direct in areas of regional finance.
The regional chief, regional secretary, and regional treasurer are all members ex-officio of the regional finance committee.

The regional convention is to elect an ambassador to serve in cooperation with the regional chief and the regional council, to serve as a representative in the region for the community and regional chapter with the officials and communities who are not Constitutional Cherokee but whom we find oursleves living among as neighbors.  The ambassador is to seek to promote goodwill among these agencies while endeavoring to promote the cause and people of the Constitutional Cherokee.
The regional ambassador is to have an assistant assigned to her, or selected by her per the will of the regional convention.
The regional ambassador's office is to remain apprised of business meetings and agendas within their area and to attend those meetings whenever possible.  It is recommended that each community chapter also have a representative attend their area's local meetings and report to the ambassador's office any concerns and to share their observations with the ambassador's office on a regular basis.
The regional ambassador is to make a monthly written report to the regional advisory council and chief, a quarterly written AND oral report to the regional advisory council, and an annual written AND oral report to the regional convention.

When Paid assistants become necessary for the greater efficiency of the regional administrative functions, such persons shall be nominated by the regional chief, after having secured the written approval of the National Chief in jurisdiction.  Paid assistants are to be members by blood whenever possible, and failing that, duly enrolled prospective members by virtue of their DNA may serve in the position.  Non members and those not eligible even as prospective members are not to be employed.
They shall be elected by the Regional advisory council.  The employment of such assistants shall be for no more than one year but may be renewed by recommendation of the regional chief and the majority vote of the Advisory Council.
.1 Dismissal of such assistants prior to the end of the employment period must be made by the recommendation of the regional chief and the majority vote of the regional advisory council.
.2 The duties and services of such regional assistants are to be determined and supervised by the regional chief and the regional advisory council.  The specific duties and services are to be detailed in writing prior to the proferring of such employment to the individual to fill the position.
.3  Within 30 days after a new regional chief assumes administrative duties on the regional chapter, the term of service of the paid assistants shall be considered concluded unless otherwise stipulated by the national labor law.  (Such clerical assistants as office secretaries shall nt be included in the above provisions).
.4  Service as a paid regional regional assistant shall not prohibit one from serving in a community chapter within the same region as an elected or appointed officer on the community chapter level.

The Regional Convention may, upon the recommendation of such by the Regional Advisory committee and a favorable vote, decide to establish other temporary committees or appointments as needed to fulfill the work of the region.  These may be established in harmony with the HANDBOOK, the cultures and traditions of the Cherokee people, and their purpose and activities are to be clearly specified in writing before any ballot to establish the office.
They may not remain in place except through the annual consent and vote of the regional convention.
Any such established position or committee is to remain temporary and if not renewed, will expire.
Any such established position or committee is to remain amenable to the regional council, the regional chief, and the regional convention.
If at any time the regional advisory council, upon the recommendation of the regional chief, desires to abolish the office, committee, or position, they may do so after a majority vote on such action.
When it seems clear to the National Council of Chiefs that a regional chapter should no longer continue as such, or is unable to meet the criteria of a fully organized regional chapter, it may, upon their recommendation, be disorganized by a 2/3rds favorable vote of the National Council of chiefs in joint session witht he National Advisory Council of the Constitutional Cherokee and a formal pronouncement thereof.  Such pronouncement is legally valid until the next regularly scheduled National Convention where it must be ratified by a majority vote at that session.
.1 In case a region becomes officially disorganized, any regional property that shall exist may in no way be diverted to other purposes, but shall pass to the control of the National Council of Chiefs and the National Convention for the use of the Constitutional Cherokee at large, as the National Convention shall direct; and trustees holding property, or corporations created to hold property for the disorganized district shall not sell or dispose of any of the same property in any circumstance but shall turn over the control of the property and any existing funds to the National Council or its agents.