

Article III. REGIONAL (aka state) Chapters of Constitutional
The national council shall oversee the organized membership of the Constitutional Cherokee in the various regions.  Regions shall not cross currently established state lines.
the bounds and name of a regional assembly shall be such as shall be declared by the state assembly and subsequently approved by the national assembly.

Alabma = Tsa-s-ga-ya-yi (yellow jacket place)

Georgia = Da-lo-ne-ga-yi (gold place)

Illinois = Ga-no-le-s-gi-yi (windy place)

Indiana = Do-tsu-wa-yi (cardinal place)

Kentucky = Sa-go-ni-ge Ka-ne-s-ga-yi (blue grass place)

North Carolina = U-ta-li-yi (mountain place)

Ohio = E-quo-ni-yi (river place)

Virginia = Tsu-na-da-da-tlu-tu-gi-yi (sweetheart place)

South Carolina = Ka-nv-si-ta-yi (dog wood place-- our range was everywhere a dogwod can grow)

Tennessee = Ta-na-si (meets back)

The Western Chapter includes all areas outside of the Historic Homeland that are not mentioned in the list above.
ALTHOUGH a REGIONAL CHAPTER may NEVER restrict membership to a particular quantum, a local chapter that is based on descendants of a particular historic roll (such as old settlers or 1924 Baker) may restrict their membership to a blood quantum of 1/4 or more, as long as another community chapter exists within that state that does NOT restrict their members to a particular quantum.

The regional assembly shall be composed of all assigned adawehi and all elected political officers, as well as all retired adawehi in good standing, the regional secretary, the regional treasurer, chairpersons of any standing regional committees reporting to the regional assembly, presidents of Constitutional Cherokee institutions of Education whos local membership is on the region, Chiefs of any auxiliary socieites on the district, newly elected and out going within the same year, and all community chapter delegates selected in accord with the Handbook.

Regional assembly assignment of delegates who are not adawehi and are not in any elected position will be determined by the State Council so that a fair representation of all members may be present.

The Regional Assembly shall be held annually.  The time of the regional assembly is to be appointed by the state council and announced at least one year prior to the event.  Change of venue and date, if one occurs, must be given with at least enough advance notice for all participants to be notified.

Nominating Committee
Prior to the convening of the regional assembly, the community chiefs, in consultation with the currently installed state chief (if one is in position) and the National Chief holding jurisidiction (if one is in position) shall appoint a nominating committee to serve the regional assembly; that committee may prepare nominations for the usual committees and offices in advance of the convening of the regional assembly.


The business of the Regional Assembly shall be

.1 to hear or receive reports from all anointed adawehi and all licensed adawehi serving in any position.  It is required that all Adawehi submit a written report.  From those written reports, it is recommended that at least 10% of these Adawehi be given time to submit an oral report;  The State council of Elder Adawehi are responsible to determine who of these should be requested to speak by whatever method they deem to be fair.  Any adawehi requested to speak may defer to another to allow someone else to speak in their place if they so desire.

It is further required that in addition to these speakers, any anointed elder Adawehi who requests be given at least a few minutes to speak, if they so desire. 
The Regional assembly is to consider the character and deportment of all adawehi, apprentice, licensed, and elder, and to provide suitable accountability and oversight.
The Regional assembly is to vote whether the record of the written reports received by the regional secretary may be accepted.  The regional assembly, may, if a motion is made and passed, request an oral report of all Adawehi.
.2  To approve the licensing of adawehi after careful interview and consideration, any persons who were recommended by community chapters and who may be determined to be called to the life of an Adawehi, and to renew such licenses only upon favorable recommendation by the regional adawehi licensing council.
.3  To review any recommendations, resolutions, and appeals of the community chapters.
.4  to nominate to the order of anointed adawehi those persons who have been determined to fulfill all the requirements of such orders only upon favorable recommendation of the community chapter of that person and of the regional adawehi licensing council.
.5 to recognize the credentials of Adawehi who are not yet anointed elders coming to this region and coming from another region due to having moved or otherwise relocated.  Anointed Adawehi have already been approved and anointed by the national assembly and therefore need no further recognition.
.6 to issue letters of commendation of licensed Adawehi who are not yet anointed elders to regional chapters if the Adawehi is relocating to that region. Anointed Adawehi have already been approved and anointed by the national assembly and therefore need no further recognition.

.7  to approve licenses for up to one year those persons deemed qualified for the roles of licensed Adawehi named and defined in the HANDBOOK upon favorable recommendation from their community chapter and from the regional adawehi licensing council.
.8  to elect by 2/3 vavorable vote, by secret ballot, an official to serve as the regional chief, to serve until 30 days following the final adjournment of the 2nd regional assembly followng her election and until a successor is elected and deemed qualified to serve by the regional assembly.  The procedure for re election of a regional chief shall be by a "yes" or "no" secret ballot vote.  No person shall be considered eligible for this office who has at any time been disciplined by a regional or national council or assembly.  No regional chief shall serve beyond the regional assembly following her 69th birthday so that her 70th year may be free of these duties.

.9  to select a regional secretary to serve for a period of two years whereupon she may be reelected or until her successor is elected and qualified. 

.10  to elect at least three anointed adawehi and three regional members not in any other regional leadership position to serve as the Advisory council to the Regional Council and assembly.  They are to serve for a term of one year and until their successors are elected and deemed qualified.

.11 to select a regional adawehi licensing council of not less than 7 persons to serve with the regional chief to interview all candidates for adawehi.

.12  to select a regional studies committe of at least three persons to assist local chapters in training adawehi.

.13 to select a regional properties committee of at least 3 persons but no more than 4 persons to assist the region with complying with all directives in the HANDBOOK regarding properties and assets

.14  to select a regional leader for each of the regional chapters of each regional auxiliary

.15 to select a regional assembly finance committee of equal adawehi and active members who are not adawehi and who are not in any other regional leadership role to serve the following regional assembly until its final adjournment.  The regional chief and the regional treasurer shall be members ex officio in addition to the required members.

.16 to select a regional court of appeals, consisting of 7 Adawehi, the regional chief, and 7 persons who are not adawehi and who are not in any other regional leadership position.  These are to serm for a term not to exceed two years before successors are elected and qualified.  They are to take an oath of fidelity, responsibility, and confidentiality.

.17  To select by ballot at the regional assembly session within 2 years of the Next scheduled National Assembly, all delegates to the National Assembly.  Every active regional assembly shall be entitled to representation at the National Assembly.  At no time shall the number of Adawehi delegates exceed the number of non adawehi delegates.   In case the regional chief is unable to attend the national assembly, or in case there has been a vacancy and a new regional chief has not been appointed, the properly elected alternate shall be seated in the Regional Chief's place.  The nominating committe of the region shall submit ballots containing at least four times the number of delegates eligible from that district, in each category, to the regional assembly.  The regiona assembly shall select from these nominations the allowed delegates and alternates that shall be elected in accordance with the HANDBOOK and the number that is deemed fair by the national council for representation of membership.  Nominees may be taken from the floor of the regional assembly only if for whatever reason, fewer than four times the number of allowed delegates are available to be voted upon.  Delegates and alternates elected are expected to faithfully attend all meetings of the National Assembly from opening until closing.

.18  to establish, at its discretion, a system to over see and to recognize prospective and associate members for community chapters, but associate and prospective members must not be counted as active members for purposes of representation.

.19  to provide for the auditing of all regional treasureres books annually by an auditing firm or CPA. 

.20 to provide for the auditing of all regional membership rolls annualy by a committe of at least three certififed genealogists.

.21  to present to the national council each year through the regional secretary, a full official record for the preceeding year, bound in a permanent binding.

.22 to approve any change in status by any adawehi in any role, following the recommendation of the regional Adawehi council.

.23  to consider and care for the entire work of the Constitutional Cherokee within the bounds of the Region.

.24  to transact any other business pertaining to the work, not otherwise provided for, in harmony with the spirit and order of the Constitutional Cherokee.


Should the regional Chief or presiding officer of a regional assembly deem that it is impossible to continue with the business of the regional assembly and therefore adjourns the regional assembly because of uncontrollable physical disaster or local disturbance, the National Chief having jurisdiction of that region, in consultation with the National Council of Chiefs, shall appoint all regional officers not elected prior to the adjournment of the regional assembly, to serve for a period not to exceed one year.

The record shall be documentation of the regular proceedings of the regional assembly.

.1  The record shall be signed by the presiding officer, state chief, and the regional secretary.

.2  the record must be either a hand written or typewritten (computer written) manuscript that has been copied, or printed, and substantially bound.  It is then to be scanned and saved into a preservable electronic format as well.  We recommend Adobe format.

.3  separate items of business shall be placed in separate paragraphs. 

.4  The record should be carefully edited for accuracy and clarity prior to binding, bearing in mind it will be examined by the National Assembly and will be archived for future generations.  Additional Explanations are to be italicized and within brackets such as [ ].

.5  the full official records for every year between national assemblies shall be bound in permanent binding; one copy is to be preserved in the regional assembly files and one copy sent to the national assembly for their files, and one copy sent to the archival society.

.6.  the record shall be arranged as far as possible according to the table of contents prepared by the national secretary in consultation with the Council of National Chiefs.  The table of contents shall be furnished to the regional assembly secretary prior to the convening of the regional assembly.  Should no table of contents be available, the regional assembly secretary is to create as concise and clear a one as possible.

.7  the record should not only contain the listing of the assignments of all licensed and elder adawehi, but also a listing of all apprentice adawehi.  It should also include a description of all special engagements entered into by any person or committee in the region.


The Regional Chief is to be selected by secret 2/3 ballot vote at the regional assembly.  No one may serve as Regional Chief who does not meet the qualifications as specified elsewhere in the HANDBOOK.
The term of office is to be in agreement with the HANDBOOK regarding terms of office.

If for any reason, a vacancy shall occur in the interim of sessions of the regional assembly, the national council of chiefs, jointly and severally, may fill the vacancy, upon consultation with a committee composed of the regional advisory council, the Chiefs of the Regional Auxiliaries, and the regional secretary.


.1  To orginzie, recognize, and oversee the community chapters within the bounds of her assembly region, subject to the approval of the national chief having jurisidiction.

.2 to visit the community chapters wthin her region as often as possible, visiting at least 50% of all community chapters within each year of service.  As necessary, to meet with community councils to consult with regard to spiritual, financial, and business matters, giving such helpful advice and assistance as the Chief may deem proper.

.3  To schedule and conduct with each community chapter, any reviews as required by the Handbook.

.4  To have special supervison of all planning of ceremonies and recognitions within the bounds of her region.

.5 to appoint someone to fill a vacancy, should one occur, in the office of regional secretary.

.6  to nominate to the Regional Councils, should a vacancy occur, a person to fill the vacancy of any regional position.

.7  to appoint a regional Adawehi director to promote and publicize Duyugodv in the festivals and ceremonies of the community chapters

.8  to consult with the community chapter councils concerning the nomination of persons for positions on the community council

.9  to schedule reviews of community leaders as required by the Handbook

.10 to approve or disapprove the granting of licenses to Adawehi on the region.

.11  to approve or disapprove in writing paid assistants on the community chapters or the regional levels.

.12  to approve or disapprove with the Regional Advisory Council, requests from community chapters to operate Day school or educational programs.

.13   to execute and sign along with the secretary of the Regional advisory council, all legal documents of the region.

.14  to nominate to the regional advisory council  and supervise any paid assistants on the region.

.15  to appoint adawehi on the region and in community chapters in accordance with the Handbook.

.16  The regional Chief may with the approval of the regional advisory council, appoint to a community chapter a person to fil a vacancy on the chapter council until the chapter may select their own.

.17  the regional chief may initiate investigation of written accusations against any leader including adawehi in her region, according to the guidelines in the HANDBOOK.

The Regional Chief may with the consent of the community council, appoint a person to suppy and fill a vacancy in the offices of chief, adawehi or firekeeper until the next regional assembly.
such apppointed supply persons shall be subject to removal by the regional chief should her services not be satisfactory to the community council and the regional council or the regional chief.
The regional chief is authorized to peform for a community within the bounds of her region all functions of a chief should that community be without a chief or a supply chief.

.1  the regional chief may preside at the annual or special meeting of a community chapter, or appoint a surrogate for such duty.

.2  if for any reason the national chief having jurisidiction fails to be present or to appoint a representative to be present in her place at the regional assembly, the regional chief shall call to order and shall preside untill other provision may be made by the regional assembly.

.3 The regional chief may fill vacancies in regional committees and councils and auxiliaries

.4.  the regional chief may appoint all chairpersons and secretaries of the regional councils, committees and standing committess where such are not provided for in the Handbook or by a regional assembly action.

.5  the regional chief, in consultation with the regional advisory council, shall appoint a nominating committe to prepare nominations for the usual committees and offices in advance of the regional assembly.

.6  Should a regional chief need to remove an officer or leader from any position for any reason, or to supervise the closing of a committe, chapter or other auxiliary, the regional chief may not do so only verbally but must meet the leader in person, and provide a written and signed explanation of why the person is being removed that clearly states whether this is because of disciplinary action on the part of the leader or if it is for any other reason.  No leader may be removed without the face to face meeting and the presentation of the document.  If the closing is due to reasons other than the leaders failure the document must clearly state that the leader is not held responsible for the closing. 

.7 the regional chief shal be ex officio chair of the regional advisory council and the regional advisory adawehi licensing committee and of any other regional council or committee

.8  The regional chief shall be a member ex officio of all regional auxiliaries

.9  All official Acts of the regional chief shall be subject to reveiew and revison by the regional assembly and subject to appeal.

.10 the regional chief shall always show due respect and honor and regard for the advice of the National Cheif in jurisdiction of the region and for the National Council of Chiefs and for the National Assembly in regard to all matters of business and the office of regional chief.

The Constitutional Cherokee National Council shall organize the membership of the community into State Chapters of Constitutional Cherokee Councils, giving representation therein to the National and State Chapters of the Constitutional Cherokee National Council as they may deem fair and just, and shall determine qualifications of such representatives, provided, however, that all recognized community chiefs and State Chapter leadership shall be members thereof. The Constitutional Cherokee National Council shall also fix the boundaries of authority for State Chapters, and define the powers and duties of State Chapters of Constitutional Cherokee Councils.
Once there are four or more organized and incorporated state chapters, they are to unite together and hold a National Assembly which shall then assembly every seven (7) years thereafter. 
The National Assembly is to have a council that meets in the interim for business and to organize new state chapters in states of the historic homeland that do not yet have one and to be responsible for an audit every 7th year of the financial records and membership rolls.

-has been incorporated in accord with current laws and procedures for at least 30 days.
-has at least 2 fully active community chapters
-has held at least 1 state assembly in accord with the Handbook of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Constitutional Cherokee

There will be a state council of Chiefs. These meet at least once quarterly or as necessary for the conducting of business.
There will be a state assembly of delegates and chiefs that meet annually.
Community Chapter leaders in the positions of  principal Elder, community chief, grounds chief, fire keeper, principal clan mother and clan mothers] are automatic delegates of the state assembly.
In addition, there are to be delegates selected by the local community to attend the state assembly.  These are selected on a basis of at least 2 delegates [delegates are to be persons who do not have one of the above mentioned positions on the local council] and additional delegates selected 1 for each of the for the first up to 70 community chapter active members on their chapter rolls and an additional delegate selected for each successive 70 active members and the final major part of 70 active members.  There is to be selected one alternate delegate to attend who shall fulfill the voting and other responsibilities of the delegate should the delegate be unable to do so or not present at the vote.

State or Regional Chapters will hold an assembly annually.  They will be governed by a principal chief selected from within their area and that Chief will be an ex officio representative at the National Assembly.

{NOTE: In some cases, with written permission of the state chief, the council may be comprised of the members of the seven (7) traditional clans of the Cherokee with a chief selected from within any existing clans and a clan mother from within her own clan and this local council is to be led by three (3) principal officers: a groundskeeper or community chief, a principal chief and a principal clan mother.  In addition, there should also be a Fire keeper and a Fire keepers assistant. The Fire keeper and Fire keepers assistant shall also be entitled to vote and serve on the local council and to attend the state convention or assembly as a full voting delegate the same as any other member of the Community Chapter Council.
All of these leaders are ex officio  representatives to the State Chapter yearly assemblies.

No local or state organization may hold title or deed to any property and all owners of any property are to be named as the Constitutional Cherokee.  The National Council and assemblies of the Constitutional Cherokee may not dispose of any property [i.e. land or structures] without the full approval of the local and or state chapter within which such property resides and such requests to sell, dispose of or transfer ownership of any property currently owned must be submitted to the local and state chapters in accord with local policies and procedures prior to any action regarding those properties.

State (also referred to as region or regional)
a state chief who will also be known as a national vice chief and an assistant to the national council, She will be selected by ballot and a council elected from among the delegates that were duly elected by the local communities to serve on the state level as delegates from the local communities.  The state chief or vice chief, is selected by ballot at the state convention.
State chapters may hold council meetings of the leadership as deemed necessary but shall hold an annual (yearly) assembly or convention for the purpose of conducting business.  In the year of the national assembly, this meeting is to occur at least 90 days before the national assembly.
State chapters are composed of at least 2 or more active local communities and this is the minimum requirement for a state chapter to be declared an “active” chapter.


The membership records of the regional chapter that have been presented to the Regional Secretary are to be audited annually by either a committe of at least three (non member) outside genealogists or an outside certified auditing firm that specializes in such records.

The regional secretary then shall have the authority to remove any name from the active membership roll who is found not to meet the requirements of documentation as required by article XI , and shall publish such names that are removed to each of the local council that accepted that person's membership papers, the regional council, and the national council within 30 days of the receipt of the audit report.

The records of the regional treasurer are to be audited annually by either an outside CPA or an outside certified auditing firm.

The Regional Treasurer is required to post the FULL financial record with the regional council on a quarterly basis.  This record is to be available to anyone who is an active member of the region who wishes to view it and requests to do so.



Each Regional Chapter is to facilitate the founding of an Arts and Crafts guild for that region. 
Until Federal Recognition is granted, all items made and or sold by members of the Constitutional Cherokee MUST contain the following Label with all of the required information included:

No claims are made that this item is an Indian Art or Craft Item.  This item is NOT Indian Made as described by the Laws of the United States.  This item(Describe it) is therefore Labeled as directed by the HANDBOOK of the Constitutional Cherokee DATE {Made/sold} :  (MM/DD/YYYY)
by (name of member)______ an enrolled member of the Constitutional Cherokee, which is a NON federally Recognized group of documented Cherokee Descendants.


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